Thursday, August 6, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Baby Doll Pajamas

I loved babydoll or "shortie" pajamas as a little girl.  They were perfect to wear during summer -- especially before we had air conditioning!  They made these for girls, teens, and women, too.  
Are these still around, in a light cotton fabric?   I have a feeling this is a retro fashion trend that I would still like.


KIM PARGA said...

Oh I remember sewing in the 60's in school! My favorite class was Home-Ec. All I ever wanted to be was a wife and mother. I think I made a peasant blouse and elastic waist skirt for my class project. It's now over 50 years later and I still love sewing and peasant blouses. Thanks for reminding me of the cute and comfy "jammies" that we used to wear. I'm going to make some for my granddaughters!

Birdhouse Books said...

Thanks for visiting! I also enjoyed home ec and sewing classes at a Singer sewing store when I was a teenager. Neat that you are going to make some of these baby doll PJs for your granddaughters!