Monday, April 18, 2016

Music Monday - "Never Going Back Again" - Fleetwood Mac (1977)

"Never Going Back Again" is one of my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs.  You don't hear it often on the radio (even on SiriusXM), but it is a beautiful little song about moving on from a breakup.

This song was written by Lindsey Buckingham about his breakup with Stevie Nicks.  It was on the Rumours album in 1977, and was also the B-side of the 45 "Don't Stop."   I love the acoustic guitar work in this song, especially combined with such lovely, simple lyrics.   In a review of Rumours for Rolling Stone, John Swenson wrote:  "Never Going Back Again" is "the prettiest thing on [Rumours]."

Do you remember this song?  What are your favorites by Fleetwood Mac?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments, below.


Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

I was just going to say - I know a few Fleetwood Mac songs, but I've never heard this one. Checking it out now. Thanks!

Joules (from Pocketful of Joules) said...

Oh, this one is one of my favorites too!

Unknown said...

I just found a live version of this on vinyl for only fifty cents! It's one of my favorites. :)

<3 Rachelle //

Rachel said...

I love Fleetwood Mac! I think I need to bust out the ret of my playlist now :)

Neely said...

I LOVEEEE fleetwood mac! so great!

Birdhouse Books said...

Thanks, y'all, for visiting! So glad to hear from so many Fleetwood Mac fans.

Rachelle, great vinyl find!!
