Thursday, December 17, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Vintage Christmas Baking Ads

If you read my blog often, you will know that I spend way too much time at Pinterest!  I love that site.  I am forever seeking - and finding! - great vintage images there.

I wanted to share a few fun vintage Christmas ads with you today.  They all feature retro baking.   Since I love all things vintage, retro food photos, and baking, these are terrific fun.

This ad features a Durkee's Candy Cane Cake (1956).  It's coconut, so I am predisposed to love it.

This 1941 Pillsbury ad features Frosted Christmas cookies:

Okay, I am now ready to go look for Durkee's Coconut (does this product still exist?!).   This 1950's ad features a Snowman Cake:

This Crisco ad features Christmas Cookies (and they look delicious!).

More Christmas cookies, from Gold Medal Flour -- bell and Christmas tree shape cookies.

Do you enjoy vintage food ads?  Have you ever tried a recipe from an old ad like one of these?   I'd love to hear from you in the comments, below.


Godly Homemaker (Andrea) said...

i haven't tried any of these - but i definitely remember seeing some of those food ads growing up :)

Kristi said...

Very cute! I laughed when I saw the gingerbread men trying to run off the plate! And that coconut candy cane cake is very impressive!

Birdhouse Books said...

Thanks! I appreciate your visits and comments. I remember seeing ads like these in magazines that my Mom read when I was a kid. :-)

Minivan Ministries said...

I love the look of the old cookbooks. They make you feel like a true homemaker!

Birdhouse Books said...

I think that is part of the appeal of the old cookbooks and cooking ads for me, too.