I've blogged for several years. I started blogging to promote Birdhouse Books, my online business (vintage children's books and cards). That was well and good, but over time I wanted something more.
I began 2014 writing a more varied blog, including Music Monday and Friday Faves, as well as occasional book reviews, movie reviews, giveaways, and general chat. It is so much more fun! I love having a blog without limits and being free to write about a variety of topics here.
I've loved writing since I was a little girl. My first story was in first grade. I kept a diary starting in elementary school, and later a journal with longer entries. In high school I discovered poetry, and copied favorite poems from the library into spiral notebooks, writing my own poems as well.
College was all about creative writing for me; my degree was English: Creative Writing with a focus in poetry. I loved everything about it, especially the focus on words and writing.
I wrote for years after college, followed by a few years where I shockingly did not write at all. I did not feel like myself when I wasn't writing. I started a challenge to write a poem a day in 2010 and have kept that up. At this point my daily journal is basically poem after poem. I enjoy it so much and look forward to writing each evening. I believe this practice has changed my life.
My work involves finding books, researching them, and writing descriptions. I enjoy writing in this small daily way, but blogging gives me the opportunity to do something a little different and more -- actually communicating about things that I enjoy. I love getting comments here and chatting back and forth with readers. It makes my day!
In short: I blog because I love to write.
I,too,love to write. Writing a blog is a great way of self expression. One can learn a great deal about someone by their choice of topics and what they say about life. I live in a world full of writers. My husband is a journalist & author, who teaches journalism. Many of our friends are editors & writers. There are so many stories to be told and so many ways to tell them. Thank you for sharing your writing with us. I look forward to reading more of your work.
So we have love of writing in common. Have you read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott? It is a lovely book on writing and life. I treasure it. Will visit again.
I really like the direction you've taken the blog this year. Expanding your range of subjects has had a positive impact and I think it fits more closely to your own life.
Barbara, thanks so much! I am looking forward to reading more of your writing at your lovely blog as well.
Lily, yes, I read Bird By Bird some time ago and loved it. It is a book I need to revisit as well.
My favorite books on writing are Writing Down the Bones and Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg. (I want to reread those again soon, too!)
Thanks, Bob! I am really enjoying having an open range of subjects. It certainly makes blogging much more enjoyable. :-)
It's wonderful to find great writers like you who write for the love of it especially in a virtual world machinated by SEO. I love the feel of your blog and how your writing is so sincere. Would love to come back to read more of your posts. Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts.
Nice that you've pinpointed exactly why you blog. I can't say that I have a reason other than it's fun. LOL Then again, I joined UBC to get better at 1/ being consistent and 2/ working on my writing. Reading other blogs, like yours, is also extremely helpful!
RiRs and anewlis, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I appreciate them and hope you have a wonderful day.
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