Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vintage Children's Books to Look For: Fold-Out Panorama Books

I personally love these fold-out panorama books, and they have always done well for me on eBay.  I have a couple of these books in my personal collection -- one is 1940's vintage and folds out 10 feet long.  They are so charming and make a great tableau for displaying collectibles at home or in an antiques booth.  I just listed two different panorama books that are particularly nice:  Hickory Dickory Dock 1963 Platt & Munk Foldout Panorama and Animal Panorama 1964 Fold-Out Book McLouglin Brothers.  Animal Panorama is especially cute, featuring a Beagle puppy on the cover and on page of the fold-out panorama.   Very sweet!

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