by Wesley Banks
NA Contemporary
ebook, 202 pagesMay 26th 2015
Taking a chance on the words of a local grocer, Katie stumbles upon a rare breed of dogs raised by the town doctor and his nephew Kyle. The only problem? Kyle isn’t interested in telling stories—especially not to a big-city girl who can’t seem to sit still. In an attempt to win him over as the clock winds down, Katie finds herself immersed in Kyle’s world, doing everything but writing.
When inspiration finally strikes, Katie is faced with an unforeseen catastrophe and a truth she can no longer ignore. While she has come to love the dogs, the real story may be about Kyle Walker.
Guest Post by Wesley Banks
Recently I posted my current to-be-read (TBR) list on Instagram. There were 15 books on that list, and since then
I've read 3. Of course, none of those 3 were on my TBR list, but that's a
different story.
Today I wanted to talk about the 5 books I'm most excited about on this
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
I'm a huge fan of Japanese culture, and especially samurai. This book
recounts the life of Japan's greatest
swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi. It's been on my TBR list for a while, but
it's at the very top.
Mistborn by Brandon
I actually read this series when it first came out,
but recently lost the books and ended up buying the entire series...again. Most
people probably know Brandon Sanderson for finishing Robert Jordan's famous
series Wheel of Time, but I'm super
excited to read this series again.
Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis
The first book I read by Michael Lewis was The Big Short which was an amazing insight to the housing market
crash in 2007-2008. I don't expect Liar's Poker to be as great as The Big Short, only because it's based
on the 1987 stock market crash (something I don't know that much
about), but I still think it's going to be a good read.
Riddle-Master by Patricia
This is actually a trilogy, but I'm only counting it as one book. I
probably would have read this book based on the title alone, but everyone I
have talked to has raved about it.
The Art of Racing
in the Rain by Garth Stein
I'm shocked I haven't read this book. I've had it for quite a while, but
at the time I was reading Marley and Me,
then Merle's Door, and The Philosopher and the Wolf (which is
probably on my top 3 all-time list!). This eventually got lost in my small
library. But after the move I recently found it and it's back on my TBR.
If you didn't notice, I read pretty much everything. Though, typically I
try to alternate between fiction and non-fiction, unless I'm in the middle of
an awesome series.
What about you, what's on your TBR list?

Wesley recently moved from Florida to Oregon to get back to the great outdoors that he’s love so much. He lives with my wife Lindsey, and his two dogs Linkin and Story. Most of his time these days is spent writing, with as much rock climbing, hiking, or skiing as they can fit in.
Wesley’s debut novel, “Hope In Every Raindrop,” is set to be released May of 2015.
Follow the Tour
May 21st - Launch
May 22nd - Getting Your Read On & The Written Adventure
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June 2nd - A Novel Kind of Bliss
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1 comment:
I have a large TBR list this summer. I loved the Robert Jordan's series. Thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays. ;)
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