Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Abby Loves to Sleep on My Clothes


Unknown said...

I used to have a dog that did that and I was okay with it because she did not shed. She especially liked it when the clothes came out of the dryer and were nice and fluffy.

Arr said...

What a cute little pup!

me_imperturbe said...

I know Abby, and she is the sweetest dog alive. If it's not you, your clothes are the next best thing.

Unknown said...

Aww how cute! My dogs do that too so I have to be very diligent about keeping everything put away.

MrsTee said...


NCSue said...

My cat does the same thing! Please share at

Birdhouse Books said...

Thanks, y'all, for the nice comments. She is a really sweet pup!
