Friday, September 25, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: A Self-Feeding Basset Hound

Hi friends!

I hope you're having a great week.  I have had a busy one, but I wanted to stop by briefly to share a video I really liked.

One of my friends sent me this video of a basset hound who is self-feeding.  He carries his own food bowl around, climbs onto the sofa with it, and settles in to eat.  I think he's very smart!  I am a little too short to do this, so I'm very impressed.

I hope you enjoyed this little video!  I'll be back next week with something fun and animal related.

Have a good weekend!


Abby xoxoxo



Aliceson said...

Dear Abby:
The video is so cute.
I wanted to tell you sometimes Emily will move her bowl I think she doesn’t want me see her eatting sometimes she’s such a stinker blinker.

Have a Great Weekend
Aliceson and Emily

Abby said...

Thanks for visiting Aliceson and Emily! I can just picture Emily moving her bowl - that sounds so cute!
