Dear Friends,
Happy Friday to you! I hope you have had a good week.
I was wondering where your dogs and cats like to sleep? I am a very big fan of the bed. When I first came to live here, I was happy in the living room and then I suddenly disappeared. I dashed up the stairs (don't worry - Momma knows about baby gates, and they are up now ALL the time). My human Grandma came up after me and she found me in the center of the bed, looking very happy. A bed is very important to me. When I found a soft comfy bed here, I knew it would be a good place. I sleep in the bed with my Momma at night.
I also am very fond of my dog bed in Momma's study. She works here long hours, and our television is here for evening viewing ... so it is important that I have a very comfy place to rest. My dog bed in the study has some fleece blankets and lots of cuddly soft toys. (I am more interested in snuggling with toys than playing with them.)
One of my friends sent me a very cute link about a Chihuahua named Pancho has his own room. Yes, you read that correctly: not just a dog bed or crate, but his own room. It is so cute that I thought you would enjoy it too!
Momma also found a few fun links about old fashioned console TV sets that have been converted to a dog bed, almost like a mini bedroom. Momma said she sees these console televisions all the time at yard sales and thrift stores. Here are a few examples with "do it yourself" directions:
Dachshunds in a console TV bed (Furniture Flippin')
Pug in a console TV bed (Artfire)
Yorkie in a console TV bed (Endorsed by Igor)
Where do your pets like to sleep? I would love to hear from you in the comments!
Wishing you a great weekend.
Abby xoxoxo