Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear Abby: Remembering Barney Fife (June 1, 1997 - September 16, 2014)

Dear Friends,

I am blogging on a different day this week because I want to remember my late beloved brother Barney Fife with you.  He passed away on this date a year ago.

Barney was around long before I was born.  He was a rescue dachshund.  His original owners loved him but didn't have the time or energy for an active puppy.  They placed Barney with a wonderful local rescue group, and that is where he met my Momma.

She says that Barney was sweet and loving from the first, and he was a perfect boy.  People use the word "perfect" a lot about Barney.  He was really special.   Here is a picture of him when he was just one year old.

This is Barney as I knew him years later, with a sweet white face.   Momma says his face was frosted.   It makes me happy to see him looking up like this.

He also loved to play ball!  This was his favorite ball, and I keep it by my dog bed, so I see it every day.

I met Barney when I was adopted in 2010.  We loved each other right away.  This is a photo of our first walk together.  Look how happy we were!

And here we were, the same week, curled up on the dog bed together.  Barney was a wonderful brother.  He liked to groom me, play with toys, and cuddle.  He was the best brother ever!

Barney got sick after his 17th birthday.  He developed pancreatitis and kidney failure.  It was too much for his little body.

Momma and I both miss Barney so much, and we think of him every day.  Today I am thinking of him even more.

With love,


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful tribute to your comes in all shapes and forms and comes when you don't expect it. life is a gift,one we open with anticipation and joy.we never know what to expect. wasn't it just great how he became your pal, your brother and a gift to you? i hope you always remember him.
Joni,Oscar,Milo and our barney(but he is a c-a-t)

Me_impertube said...

I knew Barney from the first day, and can testify that he was indeed perfect. Stubborn, spoiled, but the BEST dog. And loved his Momma.

Luciana said...

What a wonderful tribute to a very special boy. It made me cry.

Ginger Rose said...

Dear Miss Abby,

Your beautiful post gave me sniffles. Although we never met we know you, your Mama and your brother in a special way -- we know you by "The Touch of the Net"

If anyone wanted to copy and paste
and scroll down the page they will see Barney's first Memorial that was posted by his Auntie Nanny and then a little further down the page is your Mama's Memorial to Barney.

It makes me smile to think that all of those who visit that webpage will always get to know about Mr. Barney Fife.

Ginger Rose

Bob Gilliland said...

I was fortunate to know little Barney and I can also attest...perfect. Shared many belly rubs, sugars, and fanny rubs with him.

Birdhouse Books said...

Thank you all for your kind words and remembrances. It means a lot to Abby and to me.

Dave and Bobby - I'm glad you both knew Barney well and have many happy memories of him. He loved you both.

Ginger Rose - Thank you so much for posting the memorial page link. I reread both memorials this morning and found them very comforting.

Abby joins me in sending love to all,


Mary Huckaby said...

That was such a sweet post about Barney. I didn't know him, but I've heard so much about him that I loved him too! It's nice to have such happy memories of Barney.

Jean B. said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Brother Barney.
I think everyone that knew Barney in person or online
loved him. You two loved each other very much and you
will always carry a bit of Barney with you. Yes Barney
was Perfect but I think you're pretty Perfect yourself,
you sure are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the sweet
pictures of you and Barney with us.

Abby said...

Thank you for visiting and leaving kind words!

Mary, you would have loved Barney in person. He was a very sweet boy.

Jean, thank you so much for the kind words about Barney and about me as well. You are a wonderful friend!
