
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Records, Cassettes, 8-Tracks, or CDs: What Did You Grow Up With?

Music has been a big part of my life since childhood.   My parents felt the same way, and I grew up with music as a source of real happiness.  It still is for me.

Did you grow up with vinyl records (45's and LPs)?  I had records as a child - both kiddie records (Disney music, etc.) and 45's of favorite songs.  I played them on a little portable record player in my bedroom and in our basement while I rollerskated.  My parents also had a hi-fi stereo with a fabulous record collection.  They loved jazz (including big band), classic pop, the Rat Pack, Broadway musicals, and Christmas music.  This is all music from my childhood, and I love it to this day.

Did you have 8-tracks?  I never had an 8-track player, although I remember them in friends' cars!

Or did you grow up with cassettes (both the purchased ones and, of course, mixtapes too)?   I loved cassettes, and especially making mixtapes.  I went to an urban university and listened to a Sony Walkman on the subway and as I walked downtown to classes.  Cassettes remind me of my college years.

If you are young, maybe you grew up with CDs?   Even in this age of digital music, I still love CDs and have a bunch of them.  Of course, I especially love retro music on CDs!

How about you?  What are your music memories?   I'd love to hear from you in the comments, below.


  1. Talk about a walk down memory lane! I grew up with cassettes and CDs. My husband and I were talking the other day about how attached we both were to the walkman LOL.

    All the Best,
    Allison Jones |

  2. LOVED the 45s on the little record players with the disc you popped into the middle:)

  3. I grew up with cassettes and CD's. I loved my portable CD player lol. Thanks for this walk down memory lane!

  4. I grew up with a little bit of everything! Tapes were big when I was fairly young and then I remember it being the coolest thing when I got a portable cd-player and cds. But when I became a teenager I stumbled upon my mom's record collection and starting playing around with those before it became a big trend again. Only to see Mp3s and iPods take effect. (I also had the totally 90s clip-bits which played grainy 30 seconds of songs, but boy was that cool in 1996.)

  5. I totally used to roller skate in our basement too!! My favorite record was either The Jazz Singer from Neil Diamond or The Wizard of Oz soundtrack. Oh! And Grease.

  6. I grew up with cassettes. Total life changer when CD's came around.

  7. Records, 8 track, then cassette, then cd. Still can't get used to digital downloads.

  8. This takes me back awhile!!!!!! Love music - and I am OLD - so especially 70's and 80's music! We had real albums and 8-track and then cassettes!

  9. I grew up in a time of cassette tapes....definitely rocked some Debbie Gibson back in the day! :P

  10. Thanks for visiting! I really enjoyed reading your retro music memories.


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