I have special visitors at the blog from Australia to introduce you to today. Vania has stopped by with her handsome dog Rex. I know you will enjoy meeting them here!
Abby: Who is your pet?
Vania: My dog is a labrador/golden retriever cross called Rex.
Abby: Is there a story behind your pet's name?
Abby: Is there a story behind your pet's name?
Vania: Yes. My late Mom named him. She loved a tv program called Inspector Rex
which featured a police officer with his German Shepherd police dog. It was her
favourite show, so when we got the little pup she named him after her favourite
tv dog.
Abby: What is the funniest thing your pet has done?
Vania: Rex loves water and mud patches so I have to make sure to keep him away
from them. The other day he was running and playing in the park and I didn’t see
a little mud patch and in a flash his was in there, rolling around and having a
great time. His golden coat was all black and muddy.
Abby: Has your pet had any adventures?
Vania: Rex loves adventures. He loves riding with me at the back of the car. He’s a celebrity down at the drive-through McDonald's. When I drive in all the staff come to the window to greet him and take pictures. Together we’ve discovered many parklands that we didn’t know existed, he loves exploring and loves water.
Abby: What do you and your pet do for fun?
Vania: We go for walks and runs in the park and play tug of war. Oh and did I
mention food, he loves to eat and loves bananas and mangoes. He also loves to
play with his doggie friends in the park.
Abby: Does your pet have any favorite, special toys?
Vania: He loves his soccer ball and his rope tug toy. He did have a squeaky duck
that we called “Mr Quacker” but poor Mr Quacker had his head bitten off
Abby: What are some special things your pet can do?
Vania: Did I mention eating
? As soon as I mention a
walk or a ride , he is running around in circles and goes and grabs his
Abby: What are your pet's most lovable qualities?
Vania: Rex is a very social boy and loves to play with every dog. He is a gentle
giant and plays with kids. He is also a Mommy’s boy and he sleeps on my bed. In
winter he loves to be covered in a nice warm blanket.
Vania, thank you so much for visiting my blog! I loved learning more about Rex. He is such a sweet boy! It is wonderful that he is so good with children. It sounds like he also loves his trips to the park! Friends, if you have questions or comments for Vania, you can leave them in the comments below.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! It is beautiful here after one very stormy day this past week.
Abby xoxoxo