
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Did You Know Tuesday: 5 Fun Facts About Pixy Stix

Do you remember Pixy Stix?  These little paper straws contained flavored, colored sugar.  They also came in GIANT plastic sticks.   (Those were highly sought after during my childhood.)
 Of course, they were also favorite Halloween treats.
I have not had Pixy Stix for many years ... they are too sweet for even me, a dedicated retro candy enthusiast.  But -- for some reason I was thinking about them and wanted to find out more.   Here are a few Pixy Stix facts for you:

1. They are Pixy Stix, not Pixie Sticks.  (I am not entirely sure that I knew this!)

2. This candy started out as Frutola in the 1930's.  The creator was J. Fish Smith.  Frutola was originally intended as a drink mix, but children preferred them as powdered sugar candy.

3. Pixy Stix as we know them today were first made in 1952 by the Sunline Company.  

4. The giant plastic Pixy Stix is 2 feet long.  Yes - two feet of sugar!

5. Pixy Stix are now made by Nestle under the Wonka brand.  Current Pixy Stix flavors:  Grape, Orange, Cherry, Lime, Shelly Belly, and Maui Punch

Do you remember Pixy Stix?  Do you still crave them, or are they too sweet for you now, too?  I'd love to hear from you in the comments, below.
blueberry, orange, watermelon, lemon, pineapple, strawberry, Maui punch, cherry, green apple and grape.

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blueberry, orange, watermelon, lemon, pineapple, strawberry, Maui punch, cherry, green apple and grape

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